Wolfy [the blue wolf] is trying to fix wires, A pokemon came in, a bayleaf
bayleaf:"Need help?"
Wolfy:"No,i've got this."
The bayleaf shrugged and she walked off,Wolfy finished fixing the wires and moved on to fixing some other things.
A mouse hole was in the way of wolfy's room,He changed into a pikachu and went in,After some fighting and stuff he made it to the end of the mouse hole and entered his room changing back.
Wolfy:"Stupid mice..."
Wolfy started to fix some straps and springs.
Sorry its short,Also shoutout to dungeonation for helping me with this! You are good Dungeonation! keep up the great work!
It’s great!
Thanks! Maybe once i've finished il make a blog post with the original Wolfchu book :3